
Soul Ignite

Soul Ignite Academy

A 3 month Virtual Retreat to Release Resistance to Become a Magnet to all you Desire & Deserve


Allow me to introduce myself, I am Honeybee your certified

🔥Sassy Fiery Soul Alignment Guide 

After 10 years of self sabotoge & verbally abusive relationships, I finally DECIDED to get my “SHIFT” together to live my life on my terms and my time.

What took me 3 years to learn is all composed in my 3 month




Align & Attract what’s been calling to your soul


  • This is for those tired of the crap they’ve accepted from others and ready to alchemize that shit into their GLOW.


  • This is for my Earthside beings who desire to Ignite their Self Worth to live a life in ALIGNMENT with their passions, purpose and prosperity.
  • This is for those who want to burn their negative narratives and Rise like a Phoenix into a renewed brighter version of themselves!!


  • This is for those ready to SHAKE up their current dreary dullass experience of a life they’ve been living, so they may create Rituals & Routines that IGNITE true Transformation!!!

For every Toxicity exists a Remedy

Are you feeling stuck in toxic a$$ relationships and jobs that drain your energy and make you feel frustrated?

  • Trust your gut as you cleanse your space, body & belief systems to become fully aware of what’s holding you back from enjoying an adventurous happy lifestyle!!

Do you legit feel exhausted with your current situation and tired of feeling out of control with problems that you never find solutions to?

  • We are going to create a system and ritual road map for your life to IGNITE Clarity and Purpose.









Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed?


  • I’m like the friend who tells it to you straight up, who you know is right but you don’t want to believe it since there are blocks within you, hindering you from fully stepping up and into your power. We will discover those blocks so YOU can banish them and evolve!!!

I specialize in guiding you beyond mental blocks and toxic baggage through Movement as Medicine, the magic beyond matter using God as a compass in relation to the Law of AttractionBreath-Work and Transformative Meditation Techniques that allow you IGNITE your SOUL into ALIGNMENT everyday.

What is
“Soul Ignite Academy?”


Soul Ignite Academy is a 3-month virtual retreat focused on sparking alignment in your primal passions, purpose and prosperity. Soul Ignite is divided into 3 Soul Semesters spanning over 3 months. This will allow you time to create HABITS of TRANSFORMATION as you embody the teachings of the Law of Attraction, Movement as Medicine and Meditation techniques to empower your intuitive gifts.

God is your Guide, Your inner being is your compass.

If you believe in the MAGIC beyond MATTER then you are on a Divine path.

Graduates of this path will develop:


  • Healthy Belief Systems to overcome blocks
  • A Deep connection to Self as you understand your Soul’s Service on this Earth 
  • Rituals & Routines that will move you into Alignment with the type of lifestyle you envision
  • Relentless Self-Worth as appreciate your miraculous body, your beautiful mind & your Divine Spirit 


Program Structure & Offerings


Soul Ignite Academy: 3-Month Virtual Retreat Adventure for Your Soul

We will begin by creating a weekly schedule as we time block and create a plan for your continued success. TRANSFORMATION will shift in your life once you set an INTENTION & HONOR it like matters. 

Get ready to dive into these transformative techniques each week:

  • Breath Work
  • The power of Prayer, listening to Source energy and aligning to the DIVINE
  • Movement as Medicine, Dance, Flow, Yoga 
  • Guided Meditations
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • Activities that allow for self reflection & transformation.

Soul Semester 1: Cleanse Your Mind, Body  & Space


  • Week 1: Foundations of Meditation–  Drop into the stillness of your Soul to empower your intuitive abilities

  • Week 2: Acknowledge Your Miraculous Body– Detox & Dance to remember your physical powers

  • Week 3: Sacred Space– Declutter, Cleanse & Create your place of Heaven on Earth

  • Week 4: Integrate & Celebrate– Combine all you’ve learned to Cleanse Mind Body & Space

Soul Semester 2: Release Negative Thought Patterns


  • Week 5: Release Negative Thought Patterns-EFT Tapping Techniques to clear your trauma & emotional conditioning

  • Week 6: Align the Divine Within– Movement is Medicine, connect Body to Spirit 

  • Week 7: Beauty of Breathwork– Tap into the magic of Pranayama as you intentionally breathe in healing Life-Force Energy 

  • Week 8: Integrate & Celebrate– Incorporate the release activity & breathing techniques into your Daily Rituals to Release & Realign

Soul Semester 3: Presence & Purpose


  • Week 9: Tune into Tantra- A Life of Bliss– Embody pure presence to your life experience, enjoy each moment as you embrace your WILD

  • Week 10: Rise Like a Phoenix– Become the person you DECIDE to be, free of the Drabby Drama

  • Week 11: Deliberate Creation– Intentionally choose how you REACT & INTERACT in the world you envision for yourself

  • Week 12: Graduate, Integrate & Of Course CELEBRATE your Renewed Wild SELF


  • Personal Gift from me. Essential oils & a book that relates to your healing evolution

  • Supah Mad Discount off future in person Adventure Retreats with Honeybee & Crew 


What’s included in your Soul Semester Adventure


Soul Ignite Meditations
  • Weekly 1 on 1 Zoom Sessions to tune into each week’s topic
  • Online Course Portal with each lesson’s content & activities
  • Soul Ignite Academy Workbook for Transformative Reflections 
  • 9 Meditations to Align & Attract to support you daily
  • Access to Private Facebook Group 
  • Direct Access to Honeybee via email & chat

“There’s a lot of advice on the internet. A lot of posts. A lot of books. A lot of podcasts. A lot of informaion to consume. But I hope you know that at the end of the day the most important knowledge is WITHIN YOU. What feels true to you? What feels right to you? What lights you up? That’s the GOLD”

-Jamie Varon

Benefits you will experience after completing the program:


Find inner peace your ELEMENTAL SERENITY

Awaken your inner voice

Have more ease and grace in your life

Feel empowered about every choice you make

Recognize and release negative patterns 

Embody pure patience

Become more present 

Communicate effectively in all your encounters

Create meaningful intimacy in your personal relationships

Attract all you desire with your heart’s magnetic power

Understand how the Law of Attraction in relation to God/ Source energy works so you may Consciously Create your life by your Design in alignment with the Divine


Benefits of Practicing Meditation

🦋Reduces stress & enhances self awareness
💫Connection to God/Source Energy
☺️Improves sleep
💙Increases optimism
😎May reduce inflammation in the body
🌻Alleviates stress related mental health issues like obsessive compulsive behaviors, social anxiety and phobias
🎧Super mobile as it can be done anywhere!!

can I sample your work to see if it resonates with me?



Explore the magic of MEDITATION & how it can benefit your life

Insight Timer App Elemental Serenity Channel

Who do you work with?


I am committed to connecting with those who feel insecure, stressed out, frustrated with aspects of their life, are ready to leave toxic relationships or jobs that no longer serve them so that they may follow their purpose driven prosperity. 

I’ve worked with but never limited to:

  • Holistic healers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Artists, dancers, teachers
  • All seeking a life of bliss and positive abundance


Infinite Blessings,




These lovely humans have equally brightened my life with their dreams and aspirations.

We met and she was able to feel into my energy and pointed out major belief systems that I needed to work on in order to change my life for the better.  Someone I just met was helping me learn and awaken to higher levels of consciousness through simple lifestyle changes. I knew in that moment that she was the mentor I needed.  Since then we have been in close contact and she helps me stay in alignment to manifest my goals and aspirations by keeping me accountable for staying on my meditation game and keeping a positive mindset.  She always knows the right thing to say and whenever my vibration drops she will always willingly guide me to positivity. I am so incredibly thankful to have met this woman and learn from her beautiful gift of coaching with such an elevated vibration.  Absolutely life changing. <3


– Reyna Anderson


I’ve worked with Anna both as a client and business partner for over 12 months. Her professionalism, passion and dedication towards work, clients and peers are exemplary and represented in each project we’ve worked on together. Anna has superior communication skills creating a safe and welcoming environment by utilizing gentle tones, positive body language and clear direction.

-Sean Forrest


Anna has inspired me from the moment I met her! She is never afraid to be herself and does so with grace and carries an inviting positive energy. She always makes you feel comfortable and sets the best intentions. During our coaching together she has helped me hold myself accountable, stay true to my feelings and know that anything is possible in this abundant universe. Teaching mindfulness and self awareness is a hard tool to master, and I think most people would benefit, learning from her! I am very grateful to connect and meditate with her.

– Cassie


Soul Ignite Academy 3 Month Program to Release Resistance to Become a Magnet to all you Desire

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